Who is European Youth?
Political Work
We fight the good cause of enlightenment. The European Union is a political battlefield, where political sides participate in defining and shaping the Europe of the future – exactly as national politicians do in national parliaments, when it regards national affairs. The question is not whether you are pro or against the EU, but rather what you want the future of Europe to be like.
European Youth is an association, with a unique social community. We are a cross-party association with openminded, diverse and reflected members. Whoever you are and whatever your opinions, you will create friendships for life here.
Competence development
We constantly make exciting presentations, seminars and campaigns. We strive to constantly get more knowlegde - especially about the EU.
You therefore have the opportunity to constantly develop yourself and your skills as well as increase your knowledge in various EU areas through our many events
We want a Denmark at the heart of Europe - Without any referendums
Abolish all the danish opt-outs
We fight for a Denmark, there is completely involved in european cooperation and matters - without any referendums.
Give youth a voice in Europe
We take the Danish Youth seriously and we fight for that youth can have an impact in EU.
A stronger cooperation in EU
We want EU cooperation to expand in line with cross-border problems.