Local presidency


Matyas Supka

Email: president.eug@euro.dk


Morris Bechmann

Email: vicepresident.eug@euro.dk

General Secretary

Norika Balzarini

Email: secretary.eug@euro.dk

About us

European Youth Grenaa (EUG) is dedicated to making the EU more accessible and exciting. As a local branch of European Youth Denmark (EUD), we aim to inspire curiosity about Europe through engaging debates, study trips, and social events that everyone can enjoy.


Whether you're deeply invested in European issues or just exploring, EUG is the perfect space for you. As a member, you'll become part of a vibrant community of like-minded people. You will also get the chance to collaborate with others and help organize our events, gaining practical experience in areas like teamwork, communication, and problem-solving skills.


Find us on our socials and join us for our next event – we look forward to meeting you!


Activities in Grenaa

Every new member can contact the President Matyas Supka, president.eug@euro.dk to get invited to the member group on messenger.

Find us here