Social Interaction Policy

+ 1. Declaration of intent

European Youth Denmark (EUD) is a cross-party youth organization, based on inclusivity and diversity. The organization shall ensure a safe and respectful environment, where personal boundaries are respected. We aim to make European Youth Denmark the safest place to be young and pro-European.

The Social Interaction Policy (SIP) always applies when you are representing or participating in events held or facilitated by European Youth Denmark, be it on a local, national, international level, as well as during online interactions and events.

To ensure the aims stated above, European Youth Denmark has created this policy and the SIP Committee. The SIP Committee is responsible for handling all matters related to the SIP and cases resulting from the breaches thereof. All members of European Youth Denmark are subject to the policy. Members found in violation of this Social Interaction Policy may be subject to sanctions, in accordance with the rules outlined below.

+ 1.1 Who ensures a safe environment?

All members have a collective responsibility to ensure a safe environment and compliance with SIP. Older members and/or members with a position of trust have a special responsibility to ensure compliance. Members with a position of trust have a special responsibility to adhere to the Social Interaction Policy.

You can always contact the Social Policy Committee, whether you are sure or not that there has been a breach of the SIP, whether you want to initiate a case or just talk, as well if you just have questions or want a clarification of the SIP. No situation is ever too small to contact the Committee about. You can reach the Committee by the committee email, or you can contact the members individually you can find the members of the committee here.

+ 1.1.1 At local level

The local president is responsible for knowing and enforcing the SIP, unless the responsibility is delegated to an appointed member of the local board, by the local board. If you wish to contact your local board representative regarding anything related to SIP, you can find their contact information on our website under local sections. However you are always welcome to contact the SIP committee or a member of the executive board.

+ 1.1.2 At the national level

At our national events it is the organizers and appointed Trustees (See section 8.) for that specific event who shall ensure the safe environment and enforce the social interaction policy. The Trustees are responsible for handling SIP cases at national events for the duration of the event, and can enact interim measures to ensure compliance. If the case is not solved at the national event, then the Trustees must refer the case to the SIP Committee.

If a SIP case arises between members of different local sections, the SIP Committee is responsible for mediating the dispute and enforcing the SIP.

+ 1.1.3 At international level

When hosting or co-hosting an international event, rules for national events apply and EUD will have dedicated Trustees available (see section 8.). Furthermore see section 5.1 on rules regarding international travel.

+ 2. Preemptive measures

To ensure compliance with the SIP, the people responsible for ensuring compliance listed under section 1.1 must have the necessary knowledge of the SIP to uphold their responsibilities. The SIP must be presented at all national events, along with the names and contact information of the Trustees. When a new board is elected in a local section, EUD shall send them the SIP and a list of recommended discussion points made by the SIP Committee.

+ 3. Transgressions

EUD does not tolerate any form of transgressive behavior. EUD defines transgressive behavior as unwanted verbal or physical behavior, online or face to face, that is perceived as offensive to another person and can be qualified as such from an objectivised norm. This means that it is one's own limits that determine when something is perceived as transgressive, within limits of proportionality.

Non-conformity with the following points may be subject to sanction under section 10.4.

+ 3.1 Alcohol

Alcohol can be served at European Youth's national and local events, parties, and seminars. EUD parties are regarded as closed parties and are therefore not subject to legislation on age limits for serving alcohol. However, members under the age of 16 must obtain a signed parental authorisation form if they wish to drink alcohol at a national event. Alcohol will not be served to anyone under the age of 16 without a valid signed parental authorisation form.

In European Youth, we strive to create a healthy culture around the consumption of alcohol at the organization's events. This culture is based on the following points:

  • Alcohol should always be optional. Therefore, non-alcoholic alternatives must be available at all EUD's events locally and nationally.
  • Alcohol must not be the center of attention at national events and local events are encouraged to follow that as well.
  • There must always be at least one bar staff member over the age of 18 who has overall responsibility.
  • At national events, alcohol may not be served before 16.00, unless the organizers see a special need and have received permission from the Executive Board.
  • It is forbidden to bring your own alcohol to European Youth national events, unless there has been permission from the Executive Board. Non-conformity will result in temporary confiscation of the alcohol for the duration of the event.
  • There must always be at least two Sober Guards national events and we encourage the local sections to also appoint one if needed. Please read section 5.1.
  • Event organizers are responsible for ensuring that the guidelines above are adhered to.

+ 3.2 Bullying

No form of bullying, whether online or face to face, will be tolerated in EUD. We consider bullying to be repetitive or habitual behavior over a period of time, consisting of:

  • Use of force that does not rise to the level of violence
  • Coercion
  • Hurtful teasing e.g., making fun of someone's appearance, intellect and so on.
  • Abusive or aggressive use of a social imbalance
  • Intimidation

+ 3.3 Drugs

EUD has a zero tolerance for the use of illegal substances. Exception is made for substances covered by Section 2(3) of the Act on Controlled Substances.

+ 3.4 Exclusionary behavior

In EUD we wish to include everyone and therefore exclusionary behavior will not be tolerated, exclusionary behavior can consist of:

  • Diminishing someone's political view e.g., when being from opposing parties.
  • Sabotaging other members e.g., keeping someone from running for a position
  • Not respecting someone's identity including, but not limited to, gender, nationality, sexuality, religion, ethnicity or culture.
  • The spreading of rumors or lies for the purposes of damaging the reputation of another member

We are a cross-political organization which embraces diversity of ideas and different ways of being pro-European. We always encourage all members to share their political point of views and opinions and include each other in conversations and socialising. We strive to avoid grouping based on political opinions and encourage inter-mingling between viewpoints.

+ 3.5 Harassment

Any member who systematically and continuously contacts, pursues or otherwise harasses another member in a manner likely to invade the privacy of the relevant member, will be subject to sanction.

+ 3.6 Language

At EUD, we want to create an environment where there is room for everyone. That is why we strive to keep a good tone at all EUD's events and on our online platforms.

EUD has a zero tolerance towards explicitly racist, sexist or other discriminatory language.

We must all help to create an environment where people feel safe to speak up about language they feel uncomfortable with and have their boundaries respected. This also applies to the organization's social media and closed internet forums and groups.

+ 3.7 Sexual relations

In European Youth, we strive to create a healthy and consent-based culture regarding sexual interaction among members. This culture is based on the following points:

  • All sexual interactions should be based on positive consent in accordance with Danish law.
  • Members shall not engage in sexual activity with other members who exhibit behavior indicative of a condition, where they are unable to give positive consent, such as severe inebriation or similar.
  • Sexual activity must not be visually or audible disruptive for other members
  • Members above the age of 18, who are in a position of power (e.g., elected members, organizers and trustees) are prohibited from engaging in sexual activity with members below the age of 18.
  • Members in a position of power have a special obligation to ensure positive consent, if they engage in sexual relations with persons in relation to an EUD event.

+ 3.8 Violence and threats

Any use of violence or threats, be it threats of violence or other damaging circumstances, are prohibited.

+ 3.9 Criminal acts

Any acts in violation of Danish law happening in a situation where the SIP applies, can also be subject to sanction under the SIP. Any allegation pertaining to a violation of 3.7, 3.8 or 3.9 shall be referred to the SIP Committee, due to the sensitive nature of the subject matter.

+ 3.10 Non-compliance

Any member involved in a SIP-case who fails to comply with legitimate inquiries and request information, without valid reasons, shall be breaching the SIP.

+ 4. National Events

At events that include overnight accommodation(s), we generally allocate rooms, bathing, and lavatory facilities in a gender-neutral manner. Naturally, we take into consideration preferences for gender-specific arrangements.

+ 4.1 Sober Guards

All national events, where consumption of alcohol happens, must have designated Sober Guards. The Sober Guards must be present and their mandate takes effect when the bar opens. The Sober Guards can be different persons each night.

The Sober Guards must be appointed and elected before the start of the event and their identity must be clearly communicated to the participants at the start of the event. We strive not to swap shifts internally at longer national events to avoid confusion among participants.

There must always be a minimum of two Sober Guards at a time, however, at events with more than 100 participants, there must be three. At least one Sober Guard must be a member of the National Board and/or be above 18 at a time.

We encourage local organizations to also appoint a Sober Guard at larger events where alcohol is served.

The job of a Sober Guard:

  • When you are a Sober Guard, you must stay sober until the party is over.
  • The Sober Guards are there so that participants can turn to them if they or another participant is feeling unsafe, unwell or in need of help in any other way.
  • You should be aware of the room and help ensure that everyone has a good party/evening.
  • The Sober Guard must be available throughout the night. You are allowed to go to bed, but must be reachable.
  • A Sober Guard must be easily identifiable by wearing a marker of their status, e.g. with a hat, vest or ribbon.
  • If there is a digital chat or communication channel in connection to the national event, it should be published who are the Sober Guards of the night and how to contact them e.g. phone numbers everyday.
  • It is the organizer's responsibility to ensure that the Sober Guards are aware of their tasks and competencies. This can be done by meeting with the people responsible at the start of the event.

The competences of the Sober Guards:

  • The Sober Guard can tell participants to stop consuming alcohol.
  • They should also inform the bar staff not to serve alcohol to that participant.
  • The Sober Guard can always tell participants to go to bed if, for example, they have become very intoxicated or are behaving inappropriately.
  • It is the responsibility of the Sober Guard to contact the necessary authorities in case of e.g. injuries, accidents or illegalities.
  • The Sober Guard has sole discretion in relation to their competencies and failure to comply with instructions from the Sober Guard may be sanctioned by the Trustee.

+ 5. International travels

All participants on international trips are responsible for their own adherence to the laws and norms of the country that they are visiting.

+ 5.1. Application of social interaction policy

During international trips there is a distinction whether EUD is (i) organizing, (ii) co-organizing or (iii) visiting.

  • i) When EUD is the organizer of an event, no matter the geographical location, with international guests, our social interaction policy shall apply to all participants.
    • i.a) when the international context requires a deviation from the SIP (such as regarding the role of Sober Guards), deviations can be made by organizers subject to EB approval.
  • ii) When EUD is co-organizing with another organization, the organizers are encouraged to create a Code of Conduct to ensure a unified treatment of Social Interaction Policy cases. The organizers can deviate from our social interaction policy in the Code of Conduct, subject to approval by the Executive Board. In absence of a Code of Conduct, our social interaction policy will apply to all cases (a) involving EUD members or (b) happening on Danish soil.
  • iii) When the EUD is visiting another organization’s event, all EUD members are obligated to adhere to the host organization’s social interaction policy. The EUD members continue to also be subject to our social interaction policy. The highest priority of the EUD is to protect its members, and therefore encourages all members to contact the SIP Committee if they experience any breach of their boundaries, no matter the non-application of the SIP.

+ 5.2 Behaviour abroad

The participants should be aware of major rules or laws of the country they are visiting. We recommend that the participant visit to check on the laws of the country.

If someone shows an active disregard for the laws, norms and rules of the country they are visiting, it can be considered a violation of our social interaction policy.

+ 6. Collaborations within Denmark

At events where EUD, or a local section, collaborates with another domestic organization, the organizers are encouraged to discuss which organization’s SIP applies for the event.

All EUD members are expected to follow our SIP during collaborative events. In cases where the organizers did not reach a different agreement, the following applies:

  • We highly recommend the organizers contact the SIP Committee for help.
  • The hosting organization’s SIP should take precedence, however the visiting organization’s SIP can apply if the host’s SIP does not cover the subject matter.
  • If the event is hosted at an external location, the primary orgnaizer’s SIP should apply.

The SIP Committee can decide to deviate from the above rules, subject to Executive Board approval. All EUD members are always subject to the EUD SIP.

See point 10.6.1 on how to share information with other organisations.

+ 7. Minors

Subject to the Statutes, everyone can participate in EUD events regardless of age. This is subject to the following limitations:

+ At international trips

Any person below the age of 18 who wishes to participate in international trips, must have a signed permission slip granting parental permission to participate.

+ At other national events

The Executive Board can decide to require parental permission to participate in a national event if:

  • The event has elements unfit for minors
  • The event is located outside of Denmark
  • Other circumstances necessitate such a requirement

The permission forms can be found on the website.

+ Regarding alcohol

See section 3.1

+ Regarding sexual relations

See section 3.7

Beyond the above limitations, the Executive Board can decide to limit or prohibit participants below the age of 18 from participating in some or all of the activities at a National event if the Executive Board deems it necessary.

+ 8. Trustees

At events where trustees should be appointed, the organizers must appoint a representative of each sex, of which at least one is a member of the Executive Board to the position of Trustee. The representatives are introduced at the start of the event and their contact details are clearly communicated to the participants. The organizers should attempt to appoint Trustees who hold no other position of responsibility at the event.

The trusted persons are responsible for ensuring a safe environment and compliance with the SIP. They are a person that members can go to if they need to talk about anything. There are no guidelines for what you can talk about. All Trustees have a self-imposed duty of confidentiality.

If they need to discuss the case further with either the other Trustee(s), organizers or take the case further to the SIP committee they must get the offended parties’ consent to do so.

The Trustees must evaluate their own competence and specifically take into account: (i) their potential relationship with the the parties of the case or (ii) their personal stakes in the case. The Trustee must inform the complainant of potential conflicts of interests and they are obligated to inform the complainant that they can go to the other Trustee or the SIP Committee.

The Trustees can enact interim measures against the offending member, if they deem it necessary. The evaluation of necessity must be based on (i) the effectiveness of the measure to solve the problem at hand, (ii) the effectiveness of the measure to protect the complainant or other members and (iii) other circumstances requiring the measure.

The organizers of a national event are obliged to ensure that the selected Trustees are aware of their role and competencies. This can be done by having a meeting with the Trustees prior to the event.

+ 9. The SIP committee

The SIP committee is a standing committee of EUD, elected at the statutory board meeting by the National Board. The National Board should strive to elect a diverse committee where at minimum each sex is represented. The NB should also strive to elect members from different regions of Denmark. Members of the SIP committee cannot hold any elected positions within EUD.

The Committee consists of 3-5 members. If a member resigns, the Executive Board can appoint a new member.

It is the primary responsible for all matters relating to the SIP, the application and breaches thereof. They are responsible for investigating SIP cases, as well as providing recommendations to the Executive Board, and advice and support to the local boards (see section 1.1.1). They are also responsible for evaluating the SIP at least once a year and provide proposals for possible revisions they deem necessary to the policy. The proposals shall at the latest be presented at the last National Board meeting of the term.

You can reach the Committee by the committee email or you can contact the members individually you can find them here.

+ 10. Procedure for handling allegations

Every SIP case shall be handled with care, deliberation and discretion. EUD takes every potential breach of the SIP seriously. No allegation is too small. Everything will be handled with confidentiality. Allegations are handled by the follow three categories of people:

  • The local representative
  • Trustees at national events
  • The SIP Committee

If a member is in doubt as to who to contact, they can always contact the SIP Committee.

If a member comes to a Trustee, the Trustee shall have an informal conversation with the complainant, where the Trustee should listen to the complainant and advise them on the possibility of initiating a case. The Trustee can enact interim measures without initiating a case. The Trustee cannot initiate a case without the express consent from the complainant.

The SIP Committee shall initiate any direct reference it receives with an informal conversation with the complainant. The SIP member(s) conducting the informal conversation should listen to the complaint and consult them on their potential actions, among them the option to initiate a case. The SIP cannot initiate a case without the express consent from the complainant.

A member can also contact their local board representative for the informal conversation and decide to initiate a case on this basis. The following description of the procedure applies to both the SIP committee and how the local board should conduct a case. The SIP committee and the local SIP representative serve as the examining body and the Executive Board and the local board serve as the determining body. The local SIP representative and the local board act on a local level and the SIP committee and the Executive Board act on a national level.

The local level can always refer a case to the national level, with the expressed consent of the complainant. If the Complainant does not wish to refer the case to the national level then the local board is not obliged to handle the case.

+ 10.1 Initiation of a case

If the complainant wishes to initiate a case, the examining body (SIP committee or local SIP representative) informs the determining body (Executive Board or Local Board) that a case has been initiated.

If the SIP Committee determines that the case is best solved by a mediation between the parties, then the Committee can offer to mediate between the parties, subject to the consent of both the complainant(s) and the complainee(s). Any party can decide to leave the mediation at any point.

If mediation fails to solve the dispute, then the examining body shall continue its handling of the case.

If the examining body consists of more than one person, the examining body shall consult internally and divide the case between them. This internal consultation shall result in a plan and a preliminary timeline for the handling of the case. The involved parties and the determining body shall be informed of the timeline.

+ 10.2 Preliminary phase

The examining body shall gather all relevant information by talking to relevant persons, among them the complainant and the complainee. All evidentiary material shall be collected and stored centrally. The SIP Committee shall store this material in a Google Drive, which is accessible only by the SIP Committee.

Any conversation the examining body has with a relevant person should be either (i) recorded and transcribed or (ii) summarized in written form. Trustees are similarly obligated if they have conversations with relevant persons after the initiation of a case.

The SIP committee will write a comprehensive report consisting of three parts:

  • A summary of the factual circumstances with all relevant facts
  • Statements from the complainant and the complainee
  • A recommendation for the Executive Board on whether the complainee should be sanctioned, and if yes, what those sanctions should consist of

The SIP Committee shall present the first part of the report, namely the factional summary to the complainant and parties, who are given the opportunity to comment on it in a written statement. These statements shall be included in the report as the second part.

If necessary and proportionate, one or more members of the SIP Committee shall travel to the relevant places to gather non-verbal evidence.

+ 10.3 Main proceedings

At least one member of the examining body shall present their findings to the determining body, the SIP Committee shall present its written report. The SIP Committee shall send its report to the Executive Board at least seven (7) days before the meeting.

The determining body can reject the factual findings of the examining body and decide to either (i) ask the examining body to conduct further investigations or (ii) conduct its own investigation. The Executive Board can only conduct its own investigation subject to National Board approval.

The determining body shall hold a meeting where they determine the outcome of the case. The determining body shall treat the case in four stages:

  1. The examining body shall present the factual findings and recommendations
  2. The determining body shall determine which facts they find to be relevant
  3. The determining body shall decide which, if any, sanctions to enact (see section 10.4)
  4. The determining body shall inform the involved parties of the conclusions in the case and ensure the enforcement of the decision. (see section 10.5)

Both parties shall have the right to physically or online participate in the proceedings, unless:

  • One of the parties specifically requests not to participate, or
  • The Executive Board decides that the circumstances speak against allowing the parties to participate

+ 10.4.1 Evidentiary standards

The determining body shall base their conclusions on an evidentiary basis, which requires that it is more likely than not that the alleged breach occurred. The determining body must base its conclusions on the presented relevant facts and, in the absence of sufficient evidence, must draw its conclusions on the available facts.

If one party fails to comply with reasonable requests for information, any uncertainty which results from the lack of evidence shall be presumed to be damaging against the non-compliant party.

+ 10.4 Sanctions

The determining body shall choose one or more of the following sanctions to enact:

  1. Exclusion from the organisation, cf. the Statutes § 7, stk. 1-2 or similar local section statutes.
  • The Executive Board may prohibit anyone from becoming a member of the organization subject to the same procedure as exclusion in accordance with the Statutes § 7.
  1. Prohibition against participation in some or all National events
  • The prohibition may be event-specific
  • The prohibition may be based on the participation of other parties, namely the offended party.
  • The prohibition may also cover the use of any nationally funded programs, such as the klippekort scheme.
  1. Prohibition against running for or being elected to elected positions
  2. Prohibition against being appointed to appointed positions
  3. Prohibition against participation in some or all local events
  • The prohibition may be section-specific
  1. Prohibition against the consumption of alcoholic beverages at some or all events
  2. Removal from local and/or national elected and/or appointed positions.
  3. Prohibition against speaking on behalf of the organization in public forums.
  4. Exclusion from internal groups or fora within the organization.

The Executive Board can enact the above sanctions towards persons who are not members of the organization, insofar as they are transferable.

The determining body can either limit the effect of the sanctions to a specific time period or enact them without a time limit. Local sections can only enact the sanctions nr. 1 and 5-9 and only within their own jurisdiction. If the local sections believe harsher sanctions are necessary, they must refer the case to the SIP Committee.

Sanctions shall be subject to a principle of proportionality, to ensure that the punishment fits the breach. Repeated offenses will result in harsher sanctions.

If extraordinary circumstances necessitate the use of sanctions not listed in this section, then the SIP Committee may recommend such sanctions to the determining body.

At the national level, the Executive Board may only enact extraordinary sanctions based:

  1. on the SIP Committee’s recommendation, and
  2. subject to National Board approval.

At the local level, the local section board may only enact extraordinary sanctions with the approval of the SIP Committee.

+ 10.5 Aftermath

When the determining body has made a decision in accordance with 10.4, they must send a written decision to the complainant and the complainee, which includes the following:

  1. The conclusion of the case
  2. The reasoning for the conclusion
  3. Any sanctions levied, including specific aspects such as what the sanctions concern and how long they last
  4. Possibility of appeal
  5. Who will be informed of the result of the decision and why

The written decision shall be sent within 5 days of the meeting where a decision was reached.

Decisions shall be sent to the SIP Committee, who shall store all decisions in their Google Drive for 5 years, unless the sanction relates to exclusion which shall be stored for 10 years.

The SIP Committee shall inform all relevant parties, who will be responsible for enforcing the decision. However, organizers of National events that include sign-up shall always send the participant list to the SIP Committee prior to an event to ensure that they know of possible sanctions towards participants of their event.

+ 10.5.1 Appeal

Any decision by the Executive Board shall be appealable to the National Board. Appeal must be made within two (2) weeks after receiving the decision. Both the complainant and the complainee shall be able to appeal.

The party who does not appeal the decision shall be given the opportunity to participate in the appeal proceedings. If they decide not to participate in the appeal, then the rules regarding non-compliance do not apply to these proceedings.

The National Board shall be given the relevant material at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting. The relevant material is:

  1. The SIP report
  2. The Decision
  3. The Appellant’s comments on the decision.
  4. The other party’s comments on the decision, if they participate.

At the proceedings at the National Board, the SIP Committee shall present its report and conclusions, as during the Main Proceedings. Following the presentation of the SIP, the SIP member shall leave the proceedings unless the National Board requests otherwise.

The Executive Board shall present their decision and the reason for their decision. The parties shall be given the opportunity to comment on the decision in written form prior to the meeting.

The parties may only participate in the National Board meeting if both parties wish to participate, to ensure a balanced treatment of the case.

The National Board shall take the non-participation of parties in the first stage of the proceedings into account under the appeal.

+ 10.6 Other procedural rules

Beyond the above sections relating to specific procedural steps, the following rules also apply.

+ 10.6.1 Information Sharing

The Executive Board can decide to share the report and the decision with relevant other organizations both domestic and international e.g., if the sanctioned person is a member of another organization. The documents shall be anonymised insofar as it does not defeat the purpose of the information sharing.

If the SIP Committee is made aware of potentially problematic situations in other organizations relating to a member, the SIP Committee shall be empowered to contact the relevant organizations and engage in informal discussions.

+ 10.6.2 Involvement of the employees

The General Secretary shall function as support for the SIP Committee’s work. They shall assist with administrative matters such as the upkeep of the database and ensuring the enforcement of decisions.

The General Secretary shall be the only one, who is not a SIP Committee member, with access to the Google Drive.

Any case relating to an employee shall be handled by the SIP Committee and referred directly to the Executive Board.

+ 10.6.3 Breach of the vow of confidentiality

The Executive Board can decide that members who are subject to a vow of confidentiality are removed from their positions if they break said vow. The decision is appealable to the National Board.

+ 11. Changes to the Social Interaction Policy

This policy was developed by Ida Engell Kold, Emil Elnegaard Pelle, Sofie Knauer, Hanka Szlachtová, Jakob Wind and August Lund Felumb in August-October 2023 on the basis of the Social Policy Seminar held April 15th 2023. This Policy was adopted by the National Board at the National Board Meeting on the 8th of October 2023. Changes to the SIP can be proposed to the SIP Committee or the National Board directly. The SIP is reviewed and potentially revised at least once annually.