Hana Szlachtová Hana Szlachtová

Deltag i vores årlige projekt med vores venner fra Steiermark!



  • Live in Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Denmark, Norway or Spain

  • Are between 16 and 25 years old

  • Have a basic level of English to participate in the program



The Erasmus+ Youth Exchange takes place in the EUROPABURG in Neumarkt in der Steiermark, Austria from 16th to 23rd July 2024. Together we will participate in team building activities, games and workshops connected to the main topics. The whole program is accompanied by a reflection process. We will spend the week in a medieval castle, where we will be accommodated in shared dormitories with shared bathrooms. All costs for meals and accommodation during the Erasmus+ Youth Exchange are covered. There will be no participation fee for participants. Travel costs are going to be reimbursed up to a maximum amount, depending on the distance between your home town and Neumarkt in der Steiermark and the use of “green travel” *. More information is available in our Info-Pack. You can apply by filling in the following Online Form until 31th April 2024.

The selection of participants is based on the individual agreements with our partner organizations. We reserve the right to refuse applications for any reason. Don’t hesitate to contact Markus (markus.seunig@jef-steiermark.at) if you have any questions.

* „Green Travel“ offers a financial incentive for participants who travel sustainably and use means of transport with low-emission, such as bus, train, or carpooling for the majority of the outward and return journey.

This project is cofunded by Erasmus+,  Land Steiermark und Jugendreferat – Land Kärnten, but does not necessarily express the views of either institution.

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Caroline Uhlenfeldt Caroline Uhlenfeldt

Vil du være frivillig på Folkemødet 2024?

Folkemødet med Europæisk Ungdom juni 2024

Har du lyst til at være frivillig i Europæisk Ungdoms delegation til Folkemødet 2024? Så læs med her! Vi søger medlemmer af Europæisk Ungdom, som har lyst til at være frivillige. Den frivilliges rolle er at hjælpe til med at facilitere Europæisk Ungdoms aktiviteter samt at repræsentere os på Folkemødet.

Praktiske oplysninger

  • Hvor: Allinge, Bornholm

  • Dato for deltagelse på folkemødet 2024: onsdag d. 12 juni til søndag d. 16 juni

  • EUD sørger for overnatning på Bornholm samt færgebilletter / transport frem og tilbage.

  • Deltager depositummett er på 499 kr - pengene bliver returneret efter Folkemødet, hvis du overholder vores forventninger og gensidige aftale

  • Derudover holder vi en indledende frivillig dag d. 10 maj hvor du kan møde de andre frivillige og høre mere om hvad vi skal på Folkemødet

Hvad får du af os?

  • Overnatning på Ungdomscampen og transport til og fra Bornholm.

  • Muligheden for at hjælpe til samt facilitere fede events

  • En uforglemmelig oplevelse på Folkemødet med andre EUD’er

  • Fed Europæisk Ungdom merch som du kan bruge på Folkemødet samt efterfølgende

  • Et diplom, hvis ønskes, der understreger din rolle til og ved Folkemødet

Hvad forventer vi af dig?

  • At du (som udgangspunkt) kan deltage i EUD’s tur på Folkemødet i Allinge, Bornholm fra onsdag d. 12 juni til søndag d. 16 juni 2024.

  • At du kan deltage i ét fælles møde med alle de frivillige d. 10 maj 2024

  • At du under Folkemødet er klar på at tage nogle vagter i vores telt

  • At du har mod på at snakke med forbigående og fortælle om EU, Europæisk Ungdom og Europabevægelsen

  • At du er med til at støtte op om EUD ved at deltage i andre arrangementer, som vi er en del af og deltager i rundt omkring på Folkemødet.

  • At når du deltager til vores events og har vagter i vores telt bærer Europæisk Ungdoms merch samt er bevidst om at du er repræsentant for vores forening

  • At du er med til at gøre det til en fed oplevelse for alle de andre frivillige EUD’ere og tager dine nye venner med under armen når du finder et sjovt event, får lyst til et dyp i havet eller noget af alt det andet Folkemødet kan byde på ;-)

Hvordan ansøger man?

For at komme i betragtning til at blive frivillig på Folkemødet for EUD, skal du udfylde nedenstående. Dog kører vi mest efter et først til mølle-princip.

Deadline for at sende din ansøgning er d. 10. april 2024



Hvis du har nogle spørgsmål, så send dem til projekt@euro.dk (Caroline).

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Hana Szlachtová Hana Szlachtová

Kom med på vores næste studietur til Bulgarien!


Dear members of European Youth Denmark,

We are pleased to announce an exciting opportunity for you!

We hereby invite you to join our study trip to Bulgaria from May 2nd to 7th, 2024. This trip promises a dynamic blend of EU related-academic, cultural, and social experiences that will expand your horizons and create unforgettable memories. We will explore the vibrant cities of Sofia and Plovdiv, delving into their rich cultural heritage and history while forging bonds and sharing fun moments together. Get ready for an adventure where learning and laughter go hand in hand!


Registration is possible until March 10 at 23:59 through this form.

Please note that there is a limited amount of spots available, thus we cannot guarantee everyone will receive a spot. Your spot is confirmed once you receive the acceptance mail and pay the participation fee.


All these wonderful experiences can be yours for the low participation fee of 1.000 DKK. Information about payment will be provided to those selected for the trip.

This price includes lodging and transport in Bulgaria, as well as the train to and from the airport in Denmark. The price generally does not include food and beverages.


You must have a valid travel insurance that covers you in case of illness or emergency.

You must be a paying member of European Youth (Europæisk Ungdom).

You consent to photos being taken and shared on our social media during the trip.

You acknowledge that the participation fee is non-refundable in case of cancellation.


Feel free to contact our International Officer, Caroline Kokholm, at international@euro.dk

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Jakob Wind Jakob Wind

Europæisk Ungdom søger en ny projektleder!

Europæisk Ungdom søger en engageret og dygtig studentermedhjælper til rollen som projektleder med start i løbet af slutningen af februar 2024. Er du ansvarsbevidst, og har du lyst til at gøre en forskel for unge, der interesserer sig for EU og Europa? Som projektleder hos Europæisk Ungdom garanterer vi dig en studenterstilling, der giver dig både ansvar og udfordringer.

Projektlederen har ansvaret for en række projekter i forbindelse med organisationens virke og udvikling. Det er eksempelvis at planlægge større begivenheder, fundraise til projekter, sparre med frivillige, holde overblik over større begivenheder samt at facilitere forskellige arrangementer. Derudover vil det også være din rolle at komme med nye ideér til arrangementer og samarbejde med et udvalg af frivillige. Der må forventes varierende arbejdstider, herunder sporadisk arbejde i weekenden i forbindelse med planlagte events. I det daglige er der dog en meget stor grad af fleksibilitet i både arbejdssted og arbejdstidspunkt.

Stillingen tilbyder mange forskellige arbejdsopgaver, der dermed giver dig erfaring med mange forskellige slags opgaver. Du kommer til at samarbejde med vores landssekretær, som også er studerende, ligesom du også kommer til at arbejde tæt sammen med frivillige fra hele Danmark. Derudover deler vi kontor med Europabevægelsen i København, hvor der er god mulighed for at udbygge dit europapolitiske og eventplanlægnings-netværk. Vi tilbyder høj fleksibilitet og god mulighed for selv at have indflydelse på, hvilke dage du gerne vil arbejde. Vi ser gerne at du:

  • Er struktureret, har gåpåmod, kan arbejde selvstændigt og har en høj grad af ansvarsbevidsthed

  • Har erfaring med eller kendskab til eventplanlægning

  • Har erfaring fra foreningsarbejde og lyst til at arbejde tæt sammen med unge frivillige

  • Har erfaring fra eller kendskab til Dansk Ungdoms Fællesråd

  • Har sympati for Europæisk Ungdoms værdier og er tilhænger af det europæiske projekt

Til gengæld tilbyder vi en sjov og spændende arbejdsplads med masser af unge mennesker (primært studerende mellem 16-30 år) i en politisk organisation i stor udvikling. Arbejdstiden er gennemsnitligt 15 timer om ugen, og hvis du er studerende, er vi selvfølgelig fleksible i forbindelse med eksamensperioder.

Du vil blive oplært af den nuværende landssekretær samt formandskabet. Spørgsmål om arbejdet er meget velkomne til kontakte formandskabet formandskab@euro.dk eller +45 30 96 35 71 

Ansøgning, CV og eventuelle anbefalinger og eksamensbeviser skal være os i hænde senest t.o.m. fredag d. 2 februar og sendes pr. mail til formandskab@euro.dk

Jobsamtaler forventes afholdt løbende hurtigst muligt herefter.

Europæisk Ungdom er en tværpolitisk forening drevet af frivillige med interesse for EU og Europa. Der er ca. 500 medlemmer fordelt i 8 lokalforeninger. Foreningens formål er at oplyse unge om europæiske forhold samt at arbejde for en styrket europæisk stemme i den offentlige debat i Danmark. Du kan læse mere om organisationen her på hjemmesiden.

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Hana Szlachtová Hana Szlachtová

Kom med til vores twinning med Norge!

🌍Double the fun! 🎉

Get ready for a double dose of fun as Haugalandet Europeisk Ungdom and Europæisk Ungdom Aarhus get together for two thrilling weekends! 🤝✨ Members of EUAA and HEU now have the chance to visit the other local section, as well as welcoming the other to their city. This cultural exchange will be packed with exciting activities, insightful talks and workshops, as of course also lots of chance to get to know each other across the two countries 🌐

📆 Save the Dates

Application deadline 20. December 2023

Weekend 1: 14.-18. March 2024

Weekend 2: 4.-7. April 2024

🥸 What to Expect:

This twinning project spans over two weekends, one in Aarhus and one in Haugesund. The programme will be both academic and social, so participants will learn about a wide range of subjects such as next year’s European Parliamentary election and local democracy and governance, as well as exploring the city with locals. All in all, the twinning project is a great opportunity to spend two weekends with other like-minded pro-Europeans!

Participation Fee for members of European Youth Denmark is 500 DKK and covers the transport, accommodation and food during the two weekends.

🔗 Sounds interesting? Apply now - spots are limited! Sign up here. 

Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to celebrate diversity, create connections, and have a blast! We in EUAA and HEU are looking forward to seeing you all on this project!💙

Funded by the European Union 🇪🇺

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Hana Szlachtová Hana Szlachtová

Unlock Your European Potential: Deltag i vores EU trænings-program!

Exchange, Engage & Connect: An EU Training Programme

Are you young and passionate about the European idea? Do you want a Europe, driven by collaboration and active participation of youth in political decision-making? Sounds interesting? Then, our international training programme is designed just for you!

About Us:
We are two pro-European youth organizations based in Austria and Denmark. Together, we are on a mission to empower young minds like yours, equipping you with knowledge, skills, and networks to shape the future of Europe.

Programme Highlights:

🔹 European Values: Explore European values, from democracy and equality to human rights, and understand how they formed our shared European identity.

🔹 EU-Knowledge: Dive deep into the heart of the European Union. Learn more about its institutions, policies, and decision-making processes to become an informed EU citizen.

🔹 Critical Thinking: Develop the ability to question, analyse, and evaluate information critically. Sharpen your skills to make well-informed decisions in a complex world.

🔹 Exchange and Networking: Connect with like-minded young people from across Europe. Create lasting friendships, share ideas and explore Erasmus+ opportunities.

🔹 Political Engagement: Gain the confidence and knowledge to actively participate in political decision-making at local, national, and European levels.

🔹Skill Development: Our training programme is designed by young people for young people. It is based on non-formal educational methods and includes dialogue with decision-makers and experts in various fields.

Who Can Join?

All individuals with citizenship or residency in Austria or Denmark are eligible for this programme. No prior knowledge is required! We welcome young people from all backgrounds who share our passion for a united and democratic Europe.

What is it about?

The training programme consists of 4 modules, taking place between April 2024 and March 2025 in Denmark, Austria and Brussels. Each module focuses on a different topic field and fosters the development of hard and soft skills. After completing all four modules, the participants will receive a certificate, highlighting the enhancement of their competencies and extension of their knowledge to become European change makers.

🔍From Roots to Resilience - Exploring the EU🔍

Module 1, conducted in Denmark, lays the foundations of your EU knowledge. Explore the history, values, and inner workings of the EU as we dive deep into its roots and current challenges.

🤝Youth Empowerment - Active Citizenship🤝

Module 2, conducted in Austria, focuses on your soft skill development. You will improve your ability to effectively communicate your opinions in discussions, exchange within intercultural groups and improve your leadership qualities.

💡 EU & U 💡

Module 3, conducted simultaneously in Austria and Denmark, empowers you to take an active role in the EU. Discuss your member state’s relations with the EU with decision-makers.

🏢Brussels Experience - Looking Behind the Scenes 🏢

Module 4, an eye-opening Brussels trip, allows you to witness the inner workings of the EU institutions firsthand. Gain insights into policy-making processes in action and visit the heart of the EU.

Join the European Movement:

Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to exchange, engage and connect! Together, we can make a difference! 

📅 Dates:
Module 1
in Copenhagen (DK), Friday 26.04.2024 to Monday 29.04.2024

Module 2 in Neumarkt in der Steiermark (AT), Summer (TBC)

Module 3 simultaneously in Copenhagen (DK) & Graz (AT), Friday, 15.11.2024 to Sunday, 17.11.2024

Module 4 in Brussels (BE), March 2025 - five days

Apply Now:

Secure your spot today - sign up here!
The deadline for signing up is on 1 February 2024.

If you have any questions, please contact us at: ojt.byron@icloud.com

Together for a Better Europe!

This project is co-funded by Erasmus+ and Land Steiermark.

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Hana Szlachtová Hana Szlachtová

Vi søger medlemmer til vores nationale udvalg!

Europæisk Ungdom Danmark has three national committees, and we are now looking for new members to join and help create and develop the future of our organisation and our future activities!

Are you interested in European affairs, and do you want to work with communications, international study trips and relations, seminars and politics? Then continue reading, because now is the chance to join a team that works with just that!

The committees are the political committee, communications committee and international committee. The purpose of the committees is to engage more members in our work for a stronger and better Europe, and to create even more activities and offers for our members.

Do you have a vision or experience with one of these fields, then you should definitely apply! If you have already been part of a committee for the past year, you are also encouraged to apply again if you would like to contribute for a second term.

The deadline for applying is October 22 and can be done through this link.

The mandate of the committees runs until the National General Assembly in 2024. The committees tasks are not limited to the ones outlined beneath, so if you have a great idea, you can work to make it become a reality!

Together we can make our organisation even better and create better and more opportunities for our members, create better political messages and campaigns and strengthen the pro-European voice in Europe and Denmark!

Political committee

The Political committee is responsible for the political position of Europæisk Ungdom.

The committee works to communicate our organisation’s political position internally and externally - to develop and carry out campaigns. Do you have political flair and want to help communicate our political positions, then apply!

The committee consists of up to eight members including the Political Secretary and the President. The committee is, amongst other tasks, responsible for:

  • Political campaigns

  • To convey presentations on Europæisk Ungdoms political positions

  • Writing opinion pieces in news papers

  • Among other things

If you have any questions about this committee contact politik@euro.dk

International committee

The international committee is responsible for all of Europæisk Ungdom’s international activities and relations. The committee is main responsible for our relations to all our sister-organisations in JEF (Young European Federalists) and to create international partnerships, study trips and to create awareness about international opportunities for our members. The committee consists of up to eight members including the international secretary.

The committee is, amongst other tasks, responsible for:

  • JEF relations

  • Maintaining the nordic baltic network

  • International partnerships

  • Create awareness about international opportunities for members

Contact international@euro.dk if you have any questions about this committee.

Communications committee

Are you a natural communicator? Can you look beyond Facebooks algorithms or know how our messages and communications can reach all members of our organisation? Or do you just love social media such as Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn? Then our communications committee is your committee! The committee consists of up to eight members inclusive a committee chair from the Executive board.

The committee is, amongst other tasks, responsible for:

  • Social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok and LinkedIn)

  • Campaigns

  • Our website

  • Designing merchandise

If you have any questions about this committee please contact hanka@euro.dk or kommunikationsudvalg@euro.dk

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Hana Szlachtová Hana Szlachtová

Vil du være med til at styre EUDs kampagne til EP-valget?

We have an exciting year upon us - in 2024, the elections to the European Parliament will take place. It is a huge opportunity to put European cooperation on the agenda, and make an impact! This election is very important for our organization, and therefore, we want to make sure we have the best campaign possible!

Thus, we are looking for 3-4 people to join our new EP Elections Committee. Are you one of them?

You will get to plan EUD’s campaign for the upcoming elections. It’s a great chance to contribute, but also to develop your skills. You will gain valuable experience with leadership, teamwork, communication, and campaign planning. The planning will start during the fall, and will pick up in spring 2024, leading up to the elections 6-9 June 2024.

You will be responsible for

  • Brainstorming EUD’s campaign strategy

  • Developing content and visuals for the campaign

  • Communicating with the local sections regarding the campaign

  • Coordinating the execution of the campaign

Does that sound like something you want to work with? Then we would love to have you! Apply before 9 October, 23:59 through this link.

Experience is welcome, but not a requirement, so don’t hesitate to sign up!

Do you have any questions? Contact us at info@euro.dk

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Europæisk Ungdom . Europæisk Ungdom .

Landsmøde i Odense 6.-8. oktober 2023

D. 06. - 08. oktober afholder Europæisk Ungdom landsmøde på Dalum Landbrugsskole i Odense.

Vi håber på at se jer alle sammen til en weekend med politik, personvalg og ikke mindst en kæmpe fest!

Vedtægter kan findes på vores hjemmeside: https://www.euro.dk/da/vedtaegter

Tilmelding sker via dette link:

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Hana Szlachtová Hana Szlachtová

Tilmelding til vores legendariske studietur til Bruxelles er åben!

It’s time for our annual study trip to Brussels – the heart of European politics. Have you never been to Brussels before? Then now is your chance!

Join us in Brussels from 22 to 28 October 2023 for an unforgettable experience. The trip will as always be filled with political and academic activities, as well as some fun social program. You will get the opportunity to visit a lot of different European institutions and stakeholders from both governments and civil society. We will meet European politicians, interest groups, as well as high-ranking civil servants in the EU.

We will be travelling to Brussels and back by the train, so you can also look forward to a great experience on the way!


Registration is possible until Monday 7 August at 23:59 through this form.

Please note that there is a limited amount of spots available, thus we cannot guarantee everyone will receive a spot. Your spot is confirmed once you receive the acceptance mail and pay the participation fee.


All these wonderful experiences can be yours for the low participation fee of 1.000 DKK. Information about payment will be provided to those selected for the trip.

This price includes lodging and transport in Brussels, as well as the train to and from Denmark. The price generally does not include food and beverages.


  • You must have a valid travel insurance that covers you in case of illness or emergency.

  • You must be a paying member of European Youth (Europæisk Ungdom).

  • You consent to photos being taken and shared on our social media during the trip.

  • You acknowledge that the participation fee is non-refundable in case of cancellation.


Feel free to contact our International Officer, August Lund Felumb at international@euro.dk

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Hana Szlachtová Hana Szlachtová

Meld dig ind til vores sommerlejr i Norge nu!

Europæisk Ungdom Danmark (JEF Denmark) and Europeisk Ungdom Norge (JEF Norway) are hosting our fourth annual shared summer camp - which you can sign up for right now!

The United Summer Camp is the biggest JEF event in Scandinavia, and is open to all members of EUD, Europeisk Ungdom Norway AND members of JEF, so an amazing international experience is guaranteed!

This year the camp will be hosted in Norway at the Hove Leirsenter, from Wednesday 26 July to Monday 31 July. Participants departing from Copenhagen will be leaving on 25 July and returning on 1 August!

You can look forward to interesting presentations and a great academic program, but also a lot of fun social activities and free time to spend with friends from all over Europe! More details about the program will be revealed later - remember to click on the Facebook event to stay updated!


Registration is possible until Sunday 11 June, 23:59 through this form, so don't miss your chance!

If you miss the deadline, you can still register via the form and you will be placed on the waitlist. Please note that there is only a limited number of spots available (approximately 110 spots), thus, we cannot guarantee everyone will get a spot at the camp.

You will receive a response by 18 June.


The participation fee is

  • 400 DKK for participants from JEF Denmark

  • 600 NOK for participants from JEF Norway

  • 80 EUR for participants from other JEF sections

This fee covers food, accommodation, common transport from Oslo and back, travel reimbursement, a towel and bedsheets.

The participant fee is to be paid only once you receive a confirmation of your spot. Information about the payment will be provided to those selected.


For JEF Denmark

  • Participants from Denmark will travel to Oslo on the ferry, which is included in the participation fee.

  • We will depart together from Copenhagen on Tuesday 25 July at 15:00 (we will be meeting at 14:00) and return on 1 August at 10:00.

  • Transport to and from the ferry is subject to regular travel reimbursement rules.

For JEF Norway

  • Participants from Norway are subject to regular travel reimbursement rules.

For international participants

  • Participants from other JEF sections can receive travel reimbursement up to 150 €.

  • Participants can choose whether they want to travel directly to Oslo or take the ferry with the Danish group.

  • Spots on the ferry for internationals are subject to availability. You will receive a confirmation of your spot on the ferry along with a confirmation of your spot at the summer camp.

  • If you take the ferry, remember to leave at least 2,5 hours in Copenhagen between the arrival and departure of your flight and the ferry. Transport is possible either by metro or by train.


  • You must have a valid travel insurance that can cover you in case of illness or other emergencies.

  • You must be a paying member of Europæisk Ungdom Danmark, Europeisk Ungdom Norge or another JEF section.

  • You consent to photos being taken and shared on our social media during and after the camp.

  • The participation fee is non-refundable in case of cancellation.


Feel free to contact the planning group in case of any questions!


Patrick Wildenradt at pw@euro.dk
August Lund Felumb at international@euro.dk
Hanka Szlachtová at hanka@euro.dk

Læs mere
Hana Szlachtová Hana Szlachtová

Ansøg til planlægningsgruppe til vores næste studietur!

Do you want to be part of the planning group for our annual study trip to Brussels and get to continue one of the oldest traditions in the organization? Then this is your chance! 

We are looking for 2-3 people to join the planning group and help organize the trip, which will take place between the end of October and beginning of November.

The goal of the trip is to give members an opportunity to look into the heart of the EU: Brussels. This means we will be visiting as many institutions as possible, including all the big actors like the Council, Commission, and Parliament. We will also meet with actors from civil society. Does this look like something for you? Then consider applying!

Practical Information:

  • Where: Brussels, Belgium

  • When: Week 44

What do you receive from us?

  • Opportunity to learn valuable skills and experience in organizing international trips

  • Free participation in the trip - no participation fee for you ;)

What do we expect from you?

  • You can participate for the whole duration of the whole trip.

  • You have the time and motivation to organize the trip in the coming months

  • You are able to take responsibility and be active both before and during the trip.

How to apply?

Please apply using this link.

Deadline for application is Tuesday, June 1, 2023 at 23:59.

Any questions can be sent to the August, International Officer at international@euro.dk

Læs mere
Caroline Uhlenfeldt Caroline Uhlenfeldt

Vil du være frivillig på Folkemødet 2023?

Folkemødet med Europæisk Ungdom juni 2023

Har du lyst til at være frivillig i Europæisk Ungdoms delegation til Folkemødet 2023? Så læs med her! Vi søger medlemmer af Europæisk Ungdom, som har lyst til at være frivillige. Den frivilliges rolle er at hjælpe til med at facilitere Europæisk Ungdoms aktiviteter samt repræsentere os på Folkemødet. 

Praktisk oplysninger

  • Hvor: Allinge, Bornholm

  • Dato for deltagelse på folkemødet 2023: torsdag d. 15 juni til søndag d. 18 juni

  • EUD sørger for overnatning på Bornholm samt færgebilletter / transport frem og tilbage.

  • Deltager depositummett er på 499 kr - pengene bliver returneret efter Folkemødet, hvis du overholder vores forventninger og gensidige aftale

  • Derudover holder vi en indledende frivillig dag d. 20 maj hvor du kan møde de andre frivillige og høre mere om hvad vi skal på Folkemødet

Hvad får du af os?

  • Overnatning på Ungdomscampen og transport til og fra Bornholm.

  • Muligheden for at hjælp samt facilitere fede events

  • En uforglemmelig oplevelse på Folkemødet med andre EUD’er 

  • Fed Europæisk Ungdom merch som du kan bruge på Folkemødet samt efterfølgende

  • Et diplom, hvis ønskes, der understreger din rolle til og ved Folkemødet

Hvad forventer vi af dig?

  • At du (som udgangspunkt) kan deltage i EUD’s tur på Folkemødet i Allinge, Bornholm fra torsdag d. 15 juni til søndag d. 18 juni 2023.

  • At du kan deltage i ét fælles møde med alle de frivillige d. 20 maj 2023 

  • At du under Folkemødet er klar på at tage nogle vagter i vores telt 

  • At du er med til at støtte op om EUD ved at deltage i andre arrangementer, som vi er en del af og deltager i rundt omkring på Folkemødet.

  • At når du deltager til vores events og har vagter i vores telt bærer Europæisk Ungdoms merch samt er bevidst om at du er repræsentant for vores forening

  • At du er med til at gøre det til en fed oplevelse for alle de andre frivillige EUD’ere og tager dine nye venner med under armen når du finder et sjovt event, får lyst til et dyp i havet eller noget af alt det andet Folkemødet kan byde på ;-) 

Hvordan ansøger man?

For at komme i betragtning til at blive frivillig på Folkemødet for EUD, skal du udfylde nedenstående spørgsmål og sende følgende til mail: projekt@euro.dk. Dog kører vi mest efter et først til mølle-princip.

Deadline for at sende din ansøgning er d. 7 maj 2023

Udfyld nedenstående spørgsmål:

  • Navn

  • Alder, er du under 18 år bedes du kontakte os for tilsendelse af forældretilladelse, dine værge skal underskrive 

  • Dit tlf. nummer

  • Vegetar, veganer eller kød spiser?

  • Hvilken lokalsektion tilhører du?

  • Hvor længe har du været medlem af EUD?

  • Kan du deltage i EUD’s tur til Folkemødet fra torsdag d. 15 juni til søndag d. 18 juni 2023? (Hvis svaret er nej, så skal man være klar på selv at arrangere samt betale for transporten til Allinge, Bornholm)

  • Jeg har et telt Ja/Nej, hvis Ja kan du dele dit telt med andre frivillige Ja/Nej?

  • Under, op til og efter Folkemødet vil vi have en gruppechat til at kommunikere om stort og småt. Hvad foretrækker du til dette: Facebook Messenger eller WhatsApp

  • Hvorfor vil du gerne med på folkemødet? (Skriv max. 100 ord)


Hvis du har nogle spørgsmål, så send dem til projekt@euro.dk (Katrine).

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Hana Szlachtová Hana Szlachtová

Vil du med os på Roskilde Festival?

Europæisk Ungdom debuterer med en camp på Roskilde Festival!

Campen foregår over hele festivalen, fra d. 24. juni til d. 1. juli. Du kan se frem til en masse fede aktiviteter og en fantastisk stemning i EUD-lejren. Vi har lyd via soundboks for at garantere, festen lever højt.


Tilmeldingen er åben indtil mandag d. 20. marts kl. 23:59 gennem denne form.

Bemærk venligst der kun er 20 ledige pladser, så skynd dig at ansøge! Du vil få besked, om du er kommet med i lejren d. 21. marts.


Deltagergebyret er 250 kr. for at være med i lejren. Denne pris inkluderer ikke en billet til Roskilde-festival. Roskilde-billetten skal du selv købe separat. Din plads i lejren er ikke garanteret inden du har fået en bekræftelse og betalt deltagergebyret.


Skriv endelig ved spørgsmål. Du kan kontakte Tobias Marney på tobias@euro.dk

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Hana Szlachtová Hana Szlachtová

Skal du med til Baltikum?

European Youth will be going to the Baltic countries (Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania) in the Easter week, departing from Copenhagen on 31 March 2023 in the afternoon and returning back in Copenhagen on 8 April 2023 in the evening.

We will be starting our “road trip” in Tallinn, Estonia, and be finishing in Kaunas, Lithuania, and on the way visit multiple sites and cities in the three Baltic countries.

We will most likely be driving between all places in three minibuses, and you should thus expect to be driving around a lot, compared to what we usually do on study trips. The study trip will as always contain academic, EU-political, cultural and social activities and of course a lot of fun! More details about the program of the trip will follow later.

Registration is possible until Tuesday 7 March at 12:00 (noon) through this form.

Please note that there are only 24 spots available in total, and we thus cannot guarantee that everyone will get a spot on the study trip.

You will receive an answer by 8 March.

There will be a participant fee of 1.000 DKK, which has to be paid once you get offered a spot. More information about payment will be provided to those selected for the trip.

The price includes transport to/from the Baltics, transport that is part of the program and between the countries/cities, as well as accommodation. The price generally does not include food and beverages. However, there might be instances where a shared meal will be covered.


  • You must have a valid travel insurance that can cover you in case of illness, emergencies etc.

  • You must be a paying member of European Youth (Europæisk Ungdom).

  • You consent to photos being taken and shared during the trip.

  • If you cancel after paying the participant fee, you cannot get the money back.

Feel free to write us if you have any questions! You can contact Patrick Wildenradt at pw@euro.dk

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Europæisk Ungdom . Europæisk Ungdom .

Vil du med til vores næste studietur? Ansøg til planlægningsgruppen!

Har du lyst til at være en del af planlægninsgruppen til Europæisk Ungdoms næste studietur til de baltiske lande? Så det her din chance! Vi leder efter 2-3 medlemmer, som har lyst at hjælpe os planlægge og udføre studieturen, som finder sted i Påskeferien 2023.

Turens mål er at lære mere om Baltikum, deres kultur, historie og nuværende politiske spørgsmål i forhold til EU. Vi planlægger også at besøge vores søstersorganisationer i området!

Praktiske oplysninger:

  • Hvor: Baltikum (Estland, Letland, Litauen)

  • Hvornår: Påske 2023 (omkring uge 14)

Hvad får du af os?

  • Muligheden for at få erfaring med planlægning af ture

  • Dine deltagelses udgifter dækket - du får turen gratis

Hvad forventer vi af dig?

  • At du kan deltage i hele turen

  • At du har tid og motivation til at planlægge turen i de kommende måneder.

  • At du tager ansvar og er aktiv både før og under turen.

  • At have kørekort er en fordel, men ikke et krav.

Hvordan ansøger

For at være i overvejelse til planlægningsgruppen bedes du fylde denne form ud.

Ansøgningsfrist er mandag den 13. februar 2023 kl. 23:59.

Har du spørgsmål? Så send dem endelig til Patrick på pw@euro.dk

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Caroline Uhlenfeldt Caroline Uhlenfeldt

Har du lyst til at være en del af det nye traditions udvalg?

Er du interesseret i Europæiske anliggender, og har du lyst til at arbejde med Europæisk Ungdoms historie og traditioner. Så synes jeg du skal fortsætte med at læse, fordi nu har DU chancen for at blive en del af et team, der arbejder med præcis dette.

At være en del af den europæiske ungdoms traditionsudvalg kan være en god mulighed for unge, der er interesseret i den Europæisk Ungdoms historie. Som medlem af udvalget vil du få mulighed for at lære mere om Europæisk Ungdoms erfaringer og traditioner gennem historien og måske endda deltage i begivenheder og aktiviteter, der fejrer og bevarer disse traditioner. Udover at give dig mulighed for at lære og dykke ind i Europæisk Ungdoms tradition, kan det også give dig værdifuld erfaring og færdigheder inden for områder som teamwork, kommunikation og ledelse, som kan være nyttige i din fremtidige karriere. Alt i alt kan det være en givende og berigende oplevelse at være en del af det Europæisk Ungdoms traditionsudvalg.

Deadline for at ansøge til dette udvalg er d. 24 december, og du kan søge gennem denne ansøgningsformular  

Dit mandate i udvalget kører indtil The National General Assembly i 2023. Udvalgets opgaver er ikke udelukkende det, der er beskrevet i ovenstående, så hvis du har nogle gode ideer, så kan du arbejde med disse i udvalget og få dine ideer bragt til live.

Vi håber du har lyst til at være en del af dette nye udvalg, og derigennem gøre vores organisation endnu bedre. Du vil kontribuere med at skabe flere muligheder for vores medlemmer og styrker viden om og den pro-europæiske stemme i Europa og Danmark.

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Caroline Uhlenfeldt Caroline Uhlenfeldt

Vil du med på Folkemødet 2023?

Har du lyst til at være en del af styregruppen i Europæisk Ungdoms delegation til Folkemødet 2023? Så læs med her! Vi søger medlemmer af Europæisk Ungdom, som har lyst til at deltage i styregruppen, der skal planlægge og udføre EUDs events til Folkemødet. 

Praktiske oplysninger: 

  • Hvor: Allinge, Bornholm 

  • Dato for Folkemøde 2023: torsdag d. 15 juni til søndag d. 18 juni. 

  • EUD vil sørge for færgebilletter til og fra Bornholm onsdag d. 14 juni og søndag d. 18 juni 2023. 

Hvad får du af os? 

  • Gratis overnatning (i en centralt beliggende lejr i Allinge), gratis transport til og fra Bornholm og gratis forplejning. 

  • Muligheden for at sætte dit præg på EUD’s deltagelse i FM 

  • En uforglemmelig oplevelse på Folkemødet sammen med andre EUD’ere 

Hvad forventer vi af dig? 

  • At du (som udgangspunkt) kan deltage i EUD’s tur på Folkemødet i Allinge, Bornholm fra onsdag d. 14 juni til søndag d. 18 juni 2023. 

  • At du kan deltage i ca. ét fællesmøde med resten af styregruppen om måneden frem til Folkemødet.

  • At du kan tage ansvar og planlægge samt udføre EUDs events til Folkemødet. 

  • At du under Folkemødet er klar på at tage nogle ”vagter” i vores telt. 

Hvordan du ansøger: 

For at komme i betragtning til at blive en del af styregruppen skal du udfylde nedenstående spørgsmål og sende til følgende mail: projekt@euro.dk

Deadline for ansøgning til styringsgruppen er den 30. December 2022

Svar på det nedenstående:

  • Navn 

  • Alder 

  • Har du kørekort? (Svar ja eller nej)

  • Hvilken lokalsektion tilhører du? 

  • Hvor længe har du været medlem i EUD? 

  • Kan du deltage i EUD’s tur til Folkemøde fra onsdag d. 14 juni til søndag d. 18 juni 2023? (svar: ”Ja” eller ”Nej”. Hvis dit svar er nej, så skriv også hvilke datoer du kan deltage fra og til) 

  • Hvad kan du bidrage med til styregruppen? Er du f.eks. god til SoMe, er du god til at skabe god stemning, god til at organisere events etc. (skriv max. 100 ord)?

Deadline for ansøgning til styringsgruppen er den 30. December 2022

Har du spørgsmål? 

Send dit spørgsmål til projekt@euro.dk

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Europæisk Ungdom . Europæisk Ungdom .

Landssekretær søges til Europæisk Ungdom

Europæisk Ungdom søger en engageret og dygtig studentermedhjælper til rollen som landssekretær med start så vidt muligt i dececember 2022 eller evt. senere efter aftale.

Europæisk Ungdom søger en engageret og dygtig studentermedhjælper til rollen som landssekretær med start så vidt muligt i december 2022 eller evt. senere efter aftale.

Er du ansvarsbevidst, og har du lyst til at gøre en forskel for unge, der interesserer sig for EU og Europa? Som landssekretær hos Europæisk Ungdom garanterer vi dig en studenterstilling, der giver dig både ansvar og udfordringer. Landssekretæren har ansvaret en bred vifte af opgaver i foreningens daglige drift og udvikling. Det er alt fra at registrere nye medlemmer, økonomiopgaver, sparring med formandskabet om organisatoriske og politiske forhold samt andre ad-hoc opgaver, som må forventes for at vores forening kørende. Derudover vil det også være din rolle at bistå og understøtte vores landsbestyrelse og til tider deltage i bestyrelsesmøder.

Der må forventes varierende arbejdstider, herunder sporadisk arbejde i weekenden. Stillingen tilbyder mange forskellige arbejdsopgaver, der dermed giver dig erfaring med mange organisatoriske og administrative opgaver. Du kommer til at samarbejde med vores projektleder, som også er studerende, ligesom du også kommer til at arbejde tæt sammen med formandskabet, der består af landsformanden, næstformanden og landskassereren. Derudover deler vi kontor med Europabevægelsen på Frederiksberg i København, hvor der er god mulighed for at udbygge dit europapolitiske netværk.

Vi tilbyder høj fleksibilitet og god mulighed for selv at have indflydelse på, hvilke dage du gerne vil arbejde. Det er ikke et krav, men vi ser gerne at du:

  • Er struktureret, kan arbejde selvstændigt og har en høj grad af ansvarsbevidsthed

  • Har flair for IT og gode kommunikative evner

  • Har erfaring med eller kendskab til bogføring og økonomistyring eller er villig til at sætte dig ind i det

  • Har erfaring fra foreningsarbejde og lyst til at arbejde tæt sammen med unge frivillige

  • Har erfaring fra eller kendskab til Dansk Ungdoms Fællesråd

  • Har sympati for Europæisk Ungdoms værdier og er tilhænger af det europæiske projekt

Til gengæld tilbyder vi en sjov og spændende arbejdsplads med masser af unge mennesker (primært studerende mellem 18-30 år) i en politisk organisation i stor udvikling. Arbejdstiden er gennemsnitligt 15 timer om ugen, og hvis du er studerende, er vi selvfølgelig fleksible i forbindelse med eksamensperioder.

Du vil blive oplært af den nuværende landssekretær samt formandskabet. Spørgsmål om arbejdet er meget velkomne til landssekretær Casper Horving på info@euro.dk eller på tlf. +45 51 46 74 11.

Ansøgning, CV og eventuelle anbefalinger skal være os i hænde senest den 25/11 og sendes per mail til formandskab@euro.dk. Jobsamtaler afholdes efterfølgende.

Europæisk Ungdom er en politisk forening drevet af frivillige med interesse for EU og Europa. Der er ca. 600 medlemmer fordelt i 8 lokalforeninger. Foreningens formål er at oplyse unge om europæiske forhold samt at arbejde for en styrket europæisk stemme i den offentlige debat i Danmark. Du kan læse mere om organisationen her på hjemmesiden.

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Ida Engell Kold Ida Engell Kold

We are looking for members to our three national committees!

Europæisk Ungdom Danmark (European Youth) has four national committees, and we are now looking for new members to join and help create and develop the future of our organisation and our future activities!

Are you interested in European affairs, and do you want to work with communications, international study trips and relations, seminars and politics? Then continue reading, because now is the chance to join a team that works with just that!

The committees are the political committee, communications committee and international committee. The purpose of the committees is to engage more members in our work for a stronger and better Europe, and to create even more activities and offers for our members.

Do you have a vision or experience with one of these fields, then you should definitely apply! If you have already been part of a committee for the past year, you are also encouraged to apply again if you would like to contribute for a second term.

The deadline for applying is October 25 and can be done through this link.

The mandate of the committees runs until the National General Assembly in 2023. The committees tasks are not limited to the ones outlined beneath, so if you have a great idea, you can work to make it become a reality!

We hope that you want to be a part Together we can make our organisation even better and create better and more opportunities for our members, create better political messages and campaigns and strengthen the pro-european voice in Europe and Denmark!

Political committee

The Political committee is responsible for the political position of Europæisk Ungdom.

The committee works to communicate our organisations political position internally and externally - to develop and carry out campaigns. Do you have political flair and want to help communicate our political positions, then apply!

The committee consists of up to eight members including the Political Secretary and the President. The committee is, amongst other tasks, responsible for:

  • Political campaigns

  • To convey presentations on Europæisk Ungdoms political positions

  • Writing opinion pieces in news papers

  • Among other things

If you have any questions about this committee contact poltik@euro.dk

The international committee

The international committee is responsible for all of Europæisk Ungdoms international activities and relations. The committee is main responsible for our relations to all our sister-organisations in JEF (Young European Federalists) and to create international partnerships, study trips and to create awareness about international opportunities for our members. The committee consists of up to eight members including the international secretary.

The committee is, amongst other tasks, responsible for:

  • JEF relations

  • Maintaining the nordic baltic network

  • International partnerships

  • Create awareness about international opportunities for members

Contact international@euro.dk if you have any questions about this committee.

Communications committee

Are you a natural communicator? Can you look beyond Facebooks algorithms or know how our messages and communications can reach all members of our organisation? Or do you just love social media such as Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn? Then our communications committee is your committee! The committee consists of up to eight members inclusive a committee chair from the Executive board.

The committee is, amongst other tasks, responsible for:

  • Social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok and LinkedIn)

  • Campaigns

  • Our website

  • Designing merchandise

 If you have any questions about this committee please contact fu@euro.dk

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